English Works of François Sigaut (and other non-French Papers)


1977(2) “The repartition of tasks between men and women what we may learn about it by studying sowing techniques” [Unpublished text]



1979a) “Swidden cultivation in Europe – A question for tropical Anthropologists”, Social Science Information, 18, 4-5: 679-694. [Tapescript] [Reprint]



1980b) “Significance of underground storage in traditional systems of grain production”, in J. Shejbal (ed.), Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Grains, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York, Elsevier, pp. 3-13. (missing)

1980(1) “Report from a visit to India in December 1979”, Maison des sciences de l’Homme, 31 p. (with a 2-pages note about “French-Indian exchange programme: material culture and village society”. [Unpublished text] [html version]



1982b) « Gli alberi da foraggio in Europa: significato tecnico ed economico », Quaderni storici, 49 : 49 58. [Reprint]



1984f) « France. Conservatoire national du Machinisme et des Pratiques agricoles (C.N.M.P.A.) », Acta Museorum Agriculturae, Pragae 1983-84, XVII, pp. 113-114. [Reprint-English paper]



1985e) “More (and enough) on Technology!”, History and Technology, 2, 2 : 115 132. [Reprint] [Tapescript]



1988d) “A method for identifying grain storage techniques and its application for European agricultural history”, Tools and Tillage, 6, 1: 3 32. [Reprint] [Tapescript] [Abstract: html version]


1989d) « Ernte und Erntegeräte » [Récolte et outils de récolte], Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, 7, 5/6 : 518 527. [Reprint]

1989f) “Storage and threshing in preindustrial Europe, additional notes”, Tools and Tillage, 6, 2 : 119 124. [Reprint] [Tapescript]



1992e) « I pani possibili », in Cristina Papa (dir.) Il pane, Antropologia e storia dell’alimentazione, Perugia (Pérouse), Electa Mondadori/Ed. Umbri, pp. 17 28. [French original version: Tapescript]



1993c) “Learning, Teaching and Apprenticeship”, New Literary History, 24: 105 114. [PDF-JSTOR] [Reprint] [Tapescript]

1993d) “How can we analyse and describe technical actions?”, in Arlettte Berthelet et Jean Chavaillon (dir.), The Use of Tools by Human and Non-Human Primates, Oxford, Clarendon Press, pp. 381-397. [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com] [French version : « Comment analyser et décrire les actes techniques ? »]



1994a) “Technology” in Tim Ingold (dir.), Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Londres et New York, Routledge, pp. 420 459. [Tapescript] [www.scribd.com]

1994(1) “Harvest Techniques, in China and elsewhere”, colloquium “North China’s Peasant Culture”, Berlin, Freie Universität, 5-9 Feb. 1994, 31 p. (Keywords : seed drill, dibbling of wheat, winnowing machine, grain storage, cradle, sickles (typology), identification table of harvesting techniques, stalk, stubble, thatch, reapers (ergology), span (hand). [Unpublished text]



1995d) “Agricultural Museums in France: Settings, series and processes”, in David A. Donath (dir.), The Meeting of the Waters: Communities at work, Proceedings of the 1994 Annual Meeting Conference of the Association For Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums (ALFHAM), Vol. XVII, pp. 22 24. [Tapescript]



1996a) “Crops, Techniques and Affordances”, in Roy Ellen and Katsuyoshi Fukui (eds.), Redefining Nature. Ecology, Culture and Domestication, Oxford, Berg, pp. 417 436. [Reprint] [Tapescript] [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com]



1999c) “Yields, Sowing and Fertility: Analytical Significances of Yields”, in Patricia Anderson (dir.), Prehistory of Agriculture, Monograph 40 of the Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles, pp. 275 280. [Reprint]

1999(1) “Organs and Instruments: the Place of Human Body in Technical Action Schemas”. (English translation of « L’organe et l’instrument. La place du corps humain dans les schèmes d’action technique ». Communication au colloque de la fondation Fyssen « Culture et usages du corps », 1-3 mars 1996.) [Unpublished text]



2000.1- Ancestors knew how to harness horsepower…, Correspondence, Nature, vol. 408, Nov.16, 2000, pp. 287-288. [Tapescript]



2002b) “Farming and Rural Society in Europe, Late 18th to Late 19th Century”, Review of Scottish Culture, 2002-3, 15: 25-29. [Reprint] [Tapescript]

2002(2) “Techniques of the Body Require Tools Anyway”(unfinished text) [Tapescript] [html version]



2003d) “Apprenticeship as viewed by Ethnologists: A Stereotype”, in Lotika Varadarajan and Denis Chevallier (eds.), Tradition and Transmission, Current Trends in French Ethnology, the Relevance for India. New Delhi, Aryan Books International, XXVI, pp. 146-158. [Reprint] (Cf. French version: 1991e) « L’apprentissage vu par les ethnologues : un stéréotype ? »)



2006(6) “Some Topics for Cooperative Research” (Snails – Acorns, nuts, kernels – Pricked bones and whetstones – Yoking oxen by the horns) [Unpublished text: html version]


2007(6) “Some thoughts after Brig” (Contemporary Wild Plant Use – Nutritional Value of Plants – Animal Feed) [Unpublished text: html version]



2009(2) “Exploring Diversity in Past and Present” (Written Sources) [Unpublished text-pdf] [html version]



2011(2) “Material Culture within Society – How details of practice are necessary to understand the repartition of tasks between members of a society” [Unpublished text-pdf] [html version]



2012b) « La conservación de las cosechas, treinta años después », in Séverine Bortot, Dominique Michelet et Véronique Darras (ed.) Almacenamiento prehispánico, del Norte de México al Altiplano central, México, Laboratoire « Archéologie des Amériques », Université de Paris 1, Centro de estudios mexicanos y centroamericanos, pp. 35-39. [Tapescript : reserved] [html version : reserved »]

2012.2- “Argument”(Français-English) in Bread and Wine – Historical, ethnological, technological and cultural parallels, CIMA XVI, Slobozia, Romania, September 2011, pp. 11-14. [pdf] [html version]

2012d) “AIMA : A rich European Past, a Future opened on the World”, AIMA E-newsletter n°1 – Summer 2012 [pdf]

Works in press (2013) [reserved]
(Into 3 books on Agriculture, from EARTH Program, Fondation européenne de la Science, Oxbow Books, Oxford, England.)

• (With J. L. Mingote-Calderón and M. Russel), “Exploring diversity through written sources”, in A. Chevalier, E. Marinova and L. Peña-Chocarro (eds.) Plants and people: choices and diversity through time (Chapter 2.3). EARTH Monograph 1.

• “Crops and Agricultural Developments in Western Europe”, in A. Chevalier, E. Marinova and L. Peña-Chocarro (eds.) Plants and people: choices and diversity through time (Chapter 3.7). EARTH Monograph 1.

• (With P. C. Anderson), “Diversity in harvesting techniques. Introduction: reasons for variability in harvesting techniques and tools” (Chapter 4.1), in Annelou van Gijn, John Whittaker, P. Anderson, eds. Exploring and explaining diversity in agricultural technology. EARTH Monograph 2.

• (With M. Russel and P. Verdin), “Storage and preservation. Introduction”, in Annelou van Gijn, John Whittaker, P. Anderson, eds. Exploring and explaining diversity in agricultural technology (Chapter 6.1). EARTH Monograph 2.

• (With Van Gijn A., J. Whittaker and P. Anderson), “The dimension of tools, skills and processes: exploring diversity”, in Annelou van Gijn, John Whittaker, P. Anderson, eds., Exploring and explaining diversity in agricultural technology. (Chapter 1). EARTH Monograph 2.

Book Reviews (in French)

1975.4- Book Review of Wan God mast gift... Bilder aus der Geschichte der Schweinezucht im Walde, de C. L. Ten Cate, 1972, Études rurales, 59, juil-sept. 1975 : 116-117. [PDF-JSTOR]

1975.7- Book Review of The Value of Agricultural Land, de Colin Clark, 1973, Études rurales, 59, juil-sept. 1975 : 125. [PDF-JSTOR]

1975.10- Book Review of The Making of the Dutch Landscape. An Historical Geography of the Netherlands, de Audrey M. Lambert, 1971, Études rurales, 60, oct.-déc. 1975 : 125. [PDF-JSTOR]

1976.2- Book Review of Tools and Tillage, 1975 II (4), Études rurales, 61, janv.-mars 1976 : 125. [PDF-JSTOR]

1976.3- Book Review of Das südchilenische Seengebiet. Besiedlung und wirtschaftliche Erschliessung seit dem 18.Jahrhundert, de Winfried Golte, 1973, Études rurales, 61, janv.-mars 1976 : 122-124. [PDF-JSTOR]

1977.3- Book Review of Die Marismas des Guadalquivir und das Ebrodelta. Zwei spanische Reisbaulandschaften, de Wolfgang Bahr, 1972, et Traditionnelle und moderne Formen der Landwirtschaft in Iran: Siedlung, Wirtschaft und Agrarsozialstruktur im nördlichen Khuzistan seit dem Ende des 19.Jahrhunderts. Agricultural Production in a Traditional Village of Northern Khuzestan, de Eckart Ehlers, 1975, Études rurales, 66, avril-juin 1977 : 101-102. [PDF-JSTOR]

1977.4- Book Review of Die Kulturpflanzen der Tropen und Subtropen, de Sigmund Rehm et Gustav Espig, 1976, Études rurales, 68, oct.-déc. 1977 : 183. [PDF-JSTOR]

1979.1- Book Review of An Anthropological Analysis of Food-Getting Technology, de Wendell H. Oswalt, Gloria Mann and Leon Satterthwait, 1976, Études rurales, 73, janv.-mars 1979 : 169-170. [PDF-JSTOR]

1979.5- Book Review of Agrarkrisen und Agrarkonjunktur. Eine Geschichte der Land- und ErnährungswirtschaftMitteleuropas seit dem hohen Mittelalter, de Wilhelm Abel, 1978, Études rurales, 76, oct.-déc. 1979 : 147-148. [PDF-JSTOR]

1979.6- Book Review of Food: The Gift of Osiris, de William Jefferson Darby, 1977, JATBA, 1979, 26 (2).

1981.1- Book Review of The openfield system and beyond. A property rights analysis of an economic institution, de Carl Dahlman, 1980, Annales E.S.C. 1981, 36 (3) : 440. [www.persee.fr] [Reprint]

1981.5- Book Review of Wheeled Vehicles and Ridden Animals in the Ancient Near East, de Mary Aiken Littauer et Joost H. Crouwel, 1979, Production Pastorale et Société, 9, 1981.

1983.4- Book Review of Change in the Countryside, de Harold S. A. Fox et Robin Alan Butlin, 1979, Études rurales, 92, oct.-déc. 1983 : 81. [PDF-JSTOR]

1983.5- Book Review of Village society and Labour Use, de Biplab Dasgupta et al., 1983, Études rurales, 92, oct.-déc. 1983 : 95-96. [PDF-JSTOR]

1985.1- Book Review of Animal Thinking. Cambridge (Mass.) et Londres (G.-B.),Harvard University Press, 1984, ix-237 p. bibliogr., index. [Tapescript] [Reprint]

1993.1- Book Review of The Agrarian History of England and Wales, vol. III, 1348-1500, de Edward Miller (dir.), Annales E.S.C. 1993, 48 (1) : 199-202. [www.persee.fr]

1993.3- Book Review of Machines as the Measure of Men, Science, Technology, and Ideologies of Western Dominance, de Michael Adas, Annales E.S.C. 1993, 48 (2) : 407-409. [Reprint] [www.persee.fr]

1994.1- Book Review of The Origins of Agriculture. An International Perspective, de C. Wesley Cowan et Patty Jo Watson (eds), L’Homme, 1994, 34e année, 132 : 224-225. [www.persee.fr]

1999.2- Book Review of Nourish the People: the State Civilian Granary System in China, 1650-1850, by Pierre-Etienne Will and R. Bin Wong, Food and Foodways, 1999, vol. 8(1), pp. 55-58 [Reprint]

2012(13) Book Review of : Massimo de Vico Fallani, Il vero giardiniere coltiva il terreno. Tecniche colturali della tradizione italiana. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2009, XVI-175 p., illustr. [html version: reserved]

2012(10) Book Review of Growth and Stagnation in European Historical Agriculture, sous la dir. de Mats Olsson et Patrick Svensson. Turnhout (Belgique), Brepols, 2011, 307 p. (Rural History in Europe, 6) [html version: reserved]

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